What we say: this product produces similar results to PR Lotion, which we love. The main difference is that it dries quickly.
What they say:
Go Further... Faster with LactiGo
LactiGo will help you recover while you perform to a higher level than ever before
- Recover faster during and after athletic activity
- Topical carnosine gel, applied directly to the desired muscles for targeted results
- Relieve pain during and after exercise, reducing downtime
- Prevents muscle fatigue that limits athletic performance
First, apply LactiGo liberally to your desired muscles 30-45 minutes before athletic activity.
LactiGo’s powerful carnosine and magnesium formulation immediately start going to work on your muscles.
During exercise lactic acid builds up in the muscles causing fatigue and soreness, which can slow you down.
LactiGo reduces the pain from lactic acid build up, allowing you to perform at higher levels for a longer periods of time.
As your athletic activity comes to an end, apply another coat of LactiGo on your desired muscles.
As you rest, LactiGo continues to go to work by reducing muscle soreness, significantly reducing your downtime!